How do you detect a hidden water leak?


Moisture, mould, puddles on the ceiling, water droplets, peeling cladding – when the first signs of a water leak appear, it’s already too late.

Before it causes too much damage, it’s important to detect it and take action as quickly as possible. What tools should you use? – Here are some answers.

5 ways to locate a water leak.

  • Thermal camera

This operation involves inserting a thermal camera inside a roof, wall, floor, etc. The change in temperature – cold zone = water – is used to detect the leak.

  • Endoscopic camera

This method is based on the same principle as the thermal camera, the only difference being that the leak is detected by live video feedback on a screen.

The image can also be used to check the general condition of the building: presence of mould, faulty pipe connections, presence of rodents, etc.

  • Tracer gas

By injecting a gas (hydrogen + nitrogen) into the pipes and detecting and locating where it is escaping, a leak can be detected. This technique is often used for water leaks in metal or PVC pipes.

  • Acoustic detection

Based on the principle that the leak emits a sound – inaudible to the ear – it is possible to locate it using ultrasound equipment. By listening to the noise made by the leak and the vibrations emitted, this process is very effective for leaks in the ground of buildings..

  • Use of smoke

This process involves sending thick, white smoke into the pipes. The smoke comes out at the point where the leak begins.

How can you detect a leak before the first damage appears?

With a connected linear sensor solution, it is possible to detect a leak instantly, before the first signs of damage appear. More than a leak detection system, it’s a question of ‘listening’ to the installations so as to react as quickly as possible. By installing an Eweave system (intelligent linear sensor) in the building’s infrastructure as soon as it is constructed, it is possible to detect and locate a water leak. Using a web-based control interface, this intelligent, innovative solution provides real-time information on the general state of the installations and alerts you in the event of a leak

In conclusion, the choice of leak detection technique will depend on the extent of the water leak. However, it’s important to remain vigilant about the condition of your installations, and to adopt a preventive rather than a corrective approach.

Today, thanks to Eweave solutions, which enable pipes to be controlled and monitored instantaneously, it is also possible to detect a leak even before the first signs of damage appear.